Dow Jones Industrial Average
1/2000 1/2002 1/2004 1/2006 1/2008 1/2010 1/2012
Dow Jones Indicators: Multi-Index Charts
Historical behavioral correlations are presented between various
indexes and the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). With this data,
investors can see whether various indexes have historically moved
with the Dow or inverse to it... and more importantly, whether
movements in various indexes have produced evidence of predictive
capabilities for the DJIA.
- Statistical Behavioral Correlations
- Evidence for Predictive Characteristics of Various Indexes.
Click here for correlations and charts for the following indexes:
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) VS. Economic Indexes
DJIA vs. Inflation Adjusted GDP
DJIA vs. National Debt
DJIA vs. Natural Gas Prices
DJIA vs. Nonfarm Payroll
DJIA vs. Oil Prices
DJIA vs. Personal Savings Rate
DJIA vs. Population Growth
DJIA vs. Unemployment Rate
DJIA vs. US Exports
DJIA vs. US Federal Deficit
DJIA vs. US Imports
DJIA vs. US Inflation Rate
DJIA vs. Retail & Food Sales
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) vs. Interest Rates
DJIA vs. Adjustable Mortgage Rate
DJIA vs. Fed Funds Rate
DJIA vs. Prime Rate
DJIA vs. 1 Year Treasury Rate
DJIA vs. 10 Year Treasury Rate
DJIA vs. 15 Year Mortgage Rate
DJIA vs. 2 Year Treasury Rate
DJIA vs. 3 Month Treasury Rate
DJIA vs. 30 Year Mortgage Rate
DJIA vs. 5 Year Treasury Rate
DJIA vs. 6 Month CD Rate
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) vs. Stock Indexes
DJIA vs. Dow Jones Composite Average
DJIA vs. Dow Jones Transportation Average
DJIA vs. Dow Jones Utility Average
DJIA vs. Russell 1000
DJIA vs. Russell 2000
DJIA vs. Russell 3000
DJIA vs. S&P 100
DJIA vs. S&P 500
DJIA vs. S&P Global 100
DJIA vs. S&P MidCap 400
DJIA vs. S&P SmallCap 600
DJIA vs. Wilshire 5000
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) vs. U.S Dollar
DJIA vs. Dollar (USD)
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) vs. Home Prices
DJIA vs. Real Estate Appreciation Rate