Market Commentary 31507
May, 2019 Data:
Last Month -2.5% Rank: 3 out of 23
Last Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2% Rank: 11 out of 23
Last 5 Years 10.2% Rank: 20 out of 23
Last 10 Years . . . . . . . . . . . . 55.2% Rank: 21 out of 23
Returns for the TSX Composite Stock Index is shown above for four time
periods. For example: the change in the TSX was -2.5% in the last month. With
that return, the TSX Composite Index was ranked 3rd out of the 23 indexes
reviewed in this site for that time period. Dividends are not included.
The performance ranking of the TSX Composite Index relative to the other 23
stock indexes covered in this site is detailed below. Four different time periods
are reviewed. The TSX Composite Stock Index is compared to foreign and
domestic, large cap and small cap indexes. Each paragraph identifies the top
and bottom performers as well as the average and median market performance
for the indexes during in each time period.
Last Month:
During May of 2019, the S&P TSX Index had a rank of 3 with a return of -2.51%.
The top ranked index during May was the Dow Utility Index, with a return of
0.16%. The worst performing index during that period was the Hang Seng Index
with a return of -8.70%.
The median return for all stock market indexes during May was -4.75%. The
average return for the indexes during the month was -4.91%.
Last Year:
During the last 12 months, the S&P TSX Index had a rank of 11 with a return of
0%. The top ranked index during the last year was the Dow Utility Index, with a
return of 12%. The worst performing index during that period was the Hang
Seng Index with a return of -11%.
The median return for the indexes during this period was -1%. The average
return for all stock market indexes over the year was -2%.
Last 5 Years:
Over the 5 years ended May of 2019, the S&P TSX Index had a rank of 20 with
a return of 10%. The top ranked index during the 5 year period was the
NASDAQ 100 Index, with a return of 94%. The worst performing index during
that period was the Straits Times Stock Index with a return of -5%.
The median return for all stock market indexes during this time period was 33%.
The average return for the indexes over the 5 years was 31%.
Last 10 Years:
During the 10 years ended May of 2019, the S&P TSX Index had a rank of 21
with a return of 55%. The top ranked index during the period was the NASDAQ
100 Index, with a return of 405%. The worst performing index during the 10 year
time period was the Straits Times Stock Index with a return of 35%.
The median return for the indexes during the last 10 years was 188%. The
average return for all stock market indexes over that time frame was 156%.
All calculations are based on the monthly market close for each index, excluding
Updated Tuesday, July 2, 2019.
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TSX Composite Index: Annual Returns
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
1.7 -12.2 -12.8 19.3 13.9 22.9
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
17.4 7.8 -35.5 30.7 14.4 -11.1
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
4.0 9.6 7.4 -11.1 17.5 6.0
The annual gain or loss in the TSX Composite index from 2000 to present. Dividends are not included.
TSX Composite Stock Index - 17 Year Graph (Canada)
TSX Composite Stock Market Index Historical Graph
The above graph plots the monthly close for the S&P/TSX Composite Stock Index.
Click the links below for the forecast and other links related to this stock index.
Stock Market Performance Ranking: TSX Composite Index